Your child is interested in joining Cub Scouts? Great!
You probably have a lot of questions, even if you’ve gone through the program yourself. The following resources are aimed at answering most questions and concerns. Of course, you’re always welcome to reach out to us!
Frequently Asked Questions
Pack Leadership
The administration and leadership of a Cub Scout Pack is divided into the Pack Committee, Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmasters, and Den Leaders.
Read more about our Pack Leadership.
Meetings & Events
The Den meeting schedule is available on our Calendar page. Our full calendar of events is managed on – if you need access, please contct us, but the upcoming events are listed on the calendar page as well.
The first rank that any Scout will work on – regardless of when they join – is Bobcat.
Medical Forms
Hikes, camping trips, and other activities require us to have basic medical information for each participant. For extended activities, like summer camp, your doctor must perform and sign off on a physical examination.
Parts A & B of the medical for are required for most activities. Part C, including a doctor’s signature, is required for summer camp.
Cub Scout Pack 229 Handbook
The Pack Handbook covers the Pack’s policies and procedures. We ask that all Pack families review it and sign the acknowledgement form.
The official “Class A” Scout uniform is an iconic part of Cub Scouting. For Scouts in grades 1 – 3, this consists of a blue uniform shirt, blue pants or shorts, a rank-specific neckerchief & slide, and rank-specific hat (optional). For Scouts in grades 4 & 5, this is similar, except the shirt is tan and the pants are olive. Lion Scouts, in kindergarten, may wear the blue uniform or a Lion Scout t-shirt.
The Pack also has a “Class B” t-shirt – a purple shirt with the Pack logo. This shirt is appropriate for outdoor activities or other activities where the full Class A uniform may not be appropriate. We take orders for these a couple times per year and they are available in short sleeve, long sleeve, and hoodies.
We ask Scouts to wear their Class A uniforms for Pack Nights. For Den meetings, the Class A or Class B may be worn.