As of June 2018, Pack 229 is a Family Pack – our program is available to both boys and girls in kindergarten through 5th grade.
So what does this mean?
Every Cub Scout Pack is broken down into Dens – groups of Scouts who are the same age, working on advancement and adventures together. Some Packs have multiple dens for each age group, depending on the size of their Pack
With the recent changes to the national program, charter organizations have the choice for their Packs to remain “all boy”, to start an “all girl” Pack, or to have a “Family Pack” that consists of “boy dens” and “girl dens.” All dens will have their own trained adult leaders and dens can work together on projects, when feasible.
Beginning in February 2019, the program for older Scouts, currently known as “Boy Scouts” will be renamed to “Scouts BSA.” A Scouts BSA Troop will be single gender. Any organization who charters Scout units (i.e. a local church, fire department, or civic organization) may choose to charter a “boy Troop,” a “girl Troop” or one of each.
Please note that the name of the national organization – Boy Scouts of America – is not changing.